November 24, 2023

Some Apps to Improve Your Carbon Footprint


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5 minutes



I have tested several apps that help identify actions you can incorporate into your daily life to improve how we live on the planet.

There is an app for everything. And there are a thousand apps for each thing. But beyond that, some apps succeed, while most fail… Some apps keep our businesses running, while others are indispensable for our personal lives and families. Some apps help solve fundamental problems—identification, health—while others make us addicted and unhappy (👋🏼 Elon). Given that the challenge of addressing the multiple crises of our time consists of a multitude of problems, processes, and habits, it’s expected that countless apps exist in this space. Here are some of the latest ones I have tested…


This one stands out because it is highly action-oriented: evaluate, learn, and act. It is the official app of the UN campaign “Act Now” to promote the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda.

You can roughly calculate your carbon footprint by answering questions about your consumption habits. The app provides an estimate of your emissions in tons of carbon per year, divided into four sectors: transport, home, shopping, and waste. It’s a simple way to assess whether you are consuming more than you thought. In my case, I assumed my mobility footprint was lower, and I also realized that I could reduce my household consumption to decrease my footprint. As a fun feature, it tells you the number of trees needed to offset your annual greenhouse gas emissions.

The app’s most distinctive feature is its learning section. It contains short lessons with data and definitions that end with questions. The lessons are presented in swipeable vertical cards. 👆🏼

To take action, you have a library of categorized actions. You can save favorites, log them daily, and track your progress. Each registered action earns you points in the form of “leaves.” You can join global or team challenges, and if you participate through your organization, you can join a team and even work with the development team to customize the app and incorporate ESG reports.

Download the app for iOS or Android

Earth Hero

What caught my attention most was its carbon footprint calculator, which is more detailed than others. This helps you review all areas where you generate emissions. Like Aworld, it has an action section that can inspire change and allow you to track your progress.

A billion activists restoring a planet where we can thrive – Earth Hero Vision

The entire team belongs to a nonprofit organization that collaborates with well-known environmental organizations. The app includes a dedicated section for these organizations, displaying cards with information and links to their pages so you can learn more or join them if interested.

Download the app for iOS or Android


This app has fewer features than the previous ones but is a good starting point if you want something simple. It has two main tools: a carbon footprint calculator and a learning path about sustainability-related concepts.

The carbon footprint visualization is unique, using a closed wave format that allows comparisons with data from residents in other cities and regions worldwide.

For each learning lesson completed, you earn points called Deeds (“commitment deeds”), encouraging you to take action and develop habits to reduce your emissions.

Download the app for iOS or Android


This is an Italian social network for climate actions. The app revolves around the “Jungle,” where your actions are shared with the community. Each “clap” (like) you receive translates into points that you can donate to climate action projects. By doing so, you unlock rewards in the form of discounts for online and physical businesses.

In addition to personal actions, you can earn points by checking in at sustainability-focused locations, such as eco-friendly restaurants and shops. A unique feature is the ability to connect activity-tracking apps, so the kilometers you cycle or walk count toward your climate action efforts.

GreenApes also allows for app customization with its development team if you are a business or municipality.

Download the app for iOS or Android


This app functions entirely differently from the others, focusing on creating projects that have an impact on planetary regeneration. Through the app, you can calculate your carbon footprint and directly offset your emissions by donating to a project of your choice. The management team selects impactful projects that meet transparency metrics to ensure effectiveness beyond CO2 reduction.

It’s simple, direct, and does one thing very well.

Download the app for iOS or Android


This app is an extension of the website of the same name, which manages impact-driven funds. Through the app, you can browse curated projects and make donations. Its distinguishing feature is a dynamic feed where different organizations share updates about their work. The content feels similar to a social media feed but is entirely focused on impact projects.

Download the app for iOS or Android

These past few weeks of testing apps reminded me of the early days of fitness apps. At first, they felt clunky, then they evolved into gym-in-your-pocket experiences with live in-app activities. Now, gyms try to emulate the best apps. I’m not sure if sustainability apps will follow the same path, but I see new ones emerging daily with innovative features. Personally, they’ve shown me that I can do more than I thought. I encourage you to try one—you might be surprised.

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